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Growing, Eating & Sweating

Writer's picture: Lana WilsonLana Wilson

Two lines appeared on a stick just before I got in the shower... I sent a picture to my two best friends with the text, "I haven't told Matt yet". There was an immediate rush of excitement and happiness. We had always said we wanted three kids. Even after the first 10 months of our second son's life when we swore we wouldn't have a third, something switched, and the idea suddenly seemed less scary. However, we weren't planning on making this happen until July or August. I found out that I was pregnant on February 15th. The due date is October 24th.

Not what I had planned. If you know me, you know that I am a planner. I plan everything. I enjoy planning, and usually everything goes according to plan. So this surprise threw me for a loop. It nearly took me a full week to actually grasp the idea of having a third. That initial rush of excitement when I saw the test was so fun and exhilarating, but I quickly grew concerned because I have been on blood pressure medicine that wasn't safe for pregnancy. I don't think Matt or I slept at all that night. Long story short, my doctor quickly sent me a prescription for a pregnancy safe blood pressure medicine, and all is well. After that, I felt like I was "allowed" to be excited again, and I am!

The house is full of good vibes these days; however, I have certainly brought down the mood occasionally due to morning sickness and exhaustion... I thought I was tired when I was pregnant with my first. Boy, was I wrong! Both of our boys are nonstop energy (I think that's just how little boys are, unfortunately). So when I try to relax for five minutes, it's immediately interrupted with a demand of some sort. I realize this is to be expected. I'm fully aware of how blessed my little family is, and I wouldn't trade one single thing about it. But sometimes, a mama just wants some rest!

While battling morning sickness and trying my best to stay awake, I've been pushing through to get all of my Whole Health tribe the best workouts and recipes I can provide. This month was difficult, as you can imagine. Every recipe made me want to throw up, and every workout made me feel so weak. I didn't think I was going to be able to give our group the material that they deserved, but somehow I managed. Involving our kids in my work really helps too. They make it fun on the days that I'm least motivated.

Bringing my oldest into the kitchen for a Basic Energy Bite recipe was just what I needed to get me in the right mood today. It's funny watching him get so excited just to mix a few things in a bowl. I realize just how important it is to get the kids involved in cooking and exercise. Being the example is what I preach. However, with such a picky three year old, sometimes I'm lucky if I can get him to eat a hotdog and chips! This energy bite recipe is now a staple in our house because each bite is packed full of nutrition, and my little man enjoys all 200 calories per bite. I'll take the win!

The mixture for the bites requires chilling before rolling out each bite. You know what we did for that 30 minutes? We went outside for some Vitamin D and checked on the garden. He started his own little section of the garden this year. Then, he played in the yard while I did a quick 5 Minute Cardio Burst video for my Fit Foodies Subscription (funny story about this below). Like I said, be the example. Our bodies need movement, and all movement counts; even if it's 5 minute bursts spread throughout your day. Do what works for you. Not everyone wants an athlete's workout with a coach yelling at them. Not everyone wants to do a dance class in front of dozens of strangers. Not everyone enjoys running (especially not me).

Find what makes you smile and sweat at the same time and include your family when you can. I know exercise tends to be our "alone time" as adults, but sometimes it's nice to share something fun and active with a significant other or the kids. An evening walk is a great example of this. Simply walking before or after dinner is a great way to get everyone involved (even the dogs). I used to see a chiropractor regularly due to some back issues before kids. I remember him saying, "walking is like lotion for your hips and joints". That has stuck with me for years, and I recite it on the days that I get to stroll our almost 20 month old son. I have to remind myself that not every day is going to be a crazy, sweat-filled workout. Some days are simply meant for strolling, and I'm okay with that. Especially now that we have a third on the way. It looks like my strolling days aren't ending anytime soon. You better believe a new double stroller is on the baby registry (more on that later)!

"In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness" Titus 2:7

Basic Energy Bites Recipe:

Stir ⅔ cup creamy peanut butter, ½ cup dark chocolate chips, 1 cup oats, ½ cup flax seeds, and 2 tbsp honey. Let the mixture sit in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Roll into 12 bites. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

(For 1 bite → Calories: 200 Carbs: 16g Fat: 13g Protein: 6g)

5 Minute Cardio Burst Workout:

Okay, so here's the funny story about making this 5 minute video... I had set the camera up outside without thinking the light was going to be too harsh to edit (it was WAY too harsh). I kept thinking if it was too bad of lighting, then at least I was able to sweat a little. Then, three minutes into videoing, my son decided to just drop his pants to pee in the yard... right in front of the camera! There was absolutely no way of editing that out for my Fit Foodies Subscription. So, I finished the last two minutes (mostly laughing at the failed attempt), and we called it a day. Anyway, here is what was meant to be videoed the same day but had to be redone. You can follow along with me coaching you through it in the 5 Minute Cardio Burst, or you can set your timer and do the following:

1 minute Step Jumps

1 minute Plank Up Downs

1 minute Reverse Lunge to Step Ups (alternate your legs)

1 minute Jumping Jacks

1 minute Power Step Ups (alternate your legs)

You can do something as simple as this two or three times in a day and pair it with a nice walk in the evening. Your exercise does not have to be complicated. It does not have to be a long thought out program (unless you have a specific goal or health-related reason). Keep it simple, and be the example.


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