We have been slowly but surely completing the treehouse for the boys, and it is turning out so adorable. The walls and most of the roof are now up, and the boys are beyond excited to be able to "camp out" in their treehouse soon. We like to encourage as much outside time as possible. Yes, we allow iPad and TV time, but we try to get them all outside as often as we can (especially when it's perfect fall weather). Often times, you can catch us on the front porch as the sun sets or on the trampoline jumping and playing. Obviously, the boys enjoy being in the woods while I'm gardening or watching the chickens too. One day, our back yard will get a makeover, and it will be an even better space for entertaining us and adults and the kids as well.
You'll see in our video that we did extra yard work and dressed up the front porch a little for our youngest's 2nd birthday and my father-in-law's 60th birthday. We didn't do a ton of decorating for Halloween, but we definitely enjoyed getting dressed up and getting in the Halloween spirit early in October for a Trunk or Treat. You'll also see in our video when I received my first copy of my new book, The Whole Health Lifestyle Cookbook and Guide. My oldest opened it up and was surprised to see my book in person and called it my "merch".
Other than preparing for Halloween, we spent our October doing all of the fall favorites including visiting Washington Farms and going to the mountains. We went to Washington Farms for my oldest son's school field trip, and we had a blast! It was so adorable with the corn filled boxes, the big playgrounds and slides, petting zoo, pumpkin patch and so much more. I can honestly say that we will definitely be returning for some more fun next spring (they have strawberries too)! In the mountains, the boys decided to make a fort with some tree limbs that were cut down, and it was the cutest thing. Watch the video to see them give me a tour! They were so proud of it. We also took every opportunity to drive the ranger around to spot deer and site see. We even drove it to the new playground and broke it in with all three boys. The weekend we went up was the infamous Apple Festival in Ellijay, which would have been fun to go to; however, we decided to not join the crowd and go to a local car show instead. Needless to say, our boys had a fun-filled time in the mountains, and so did we.