Not every day has to be perfect.

I know that we may come across as more put together than we actually are, but I want to point out that we most certainly are not. Every day is not filled with homegrown vegetables and fruits and fun activities for the boys while the house is completely clean. In fact, that absolutely never happens. However, I do try my best to make opportunities for fun and educational moments throughout the day. One example being the display of balance in healthy decisions. I try my best to give the boys the choice of fresh fruits and vegetables each day, but some days they simply want vanilla pudding and toppings. It's okay to enjoy moments of indulgence with your kids. I want that to be clear. It's just making sure that the moments of indulgence remain occasional. Sweet treats don't need to be daily. They are meant for special occasions and for making your kids feel like they have had a treat. Treat it this way.
This time of year is so fun with the boys in the yard and in the garden. They get to witness firsthand what it's like to plant the foods that we eat and harvest them. My oldest is five and can even identify bramble bushes and poison ivy in the woods. It has been such a pleasure to teach them things outdoors. So by picking a few things to make a meal for myself was fun to explain to them. I can't wait until I have a garden big enough to feed the entire family all of the time. One day we will get there!